Thursday, April 5, 2018

Ice-Breaking Activities

Ice -breaking activities, or ice breakers are on of the most important activities that help teachers get an idea about their students since day one. They are important activities because they help us as teachers to introduce ourselves to students and get to know more about them, especially if they are new to the school or to the class we teach. In addition to that ice breakers give the chance to students to know each others more especially if there are any new students. 
some examples of Ice- Breaking activities and the way they work Image result for m and ms   M & M's: your students will definitely LOVE this activity. What is better than serving them chocolate since day one!! in this activity you should prepare a poster in which you design a group of questions for each color of the M &M's. Students would pick a random color introduce themselves by mentioning their names, and then he or she would answer the questions related to each color. for example for green you may ask about a time when this student laughed really hard, a birthday gift he/she will never forget.... So each one would talk about a certain point.      

Image result for a web yarn

  The Yarn:     The Yarn is another fun ice breaking activity. In this activity you should ask you students to sit in a circle and then give them a yarn. Tell them that each person of them should ask the other person a question about their lives or about something the'd like to know about each others, then toss the yarn to this person. After this person answers the question, he or she should toss the yarn again and ask the others another question. By the end you'LL end up having a web like the one shown in the picture, this web might resemble the way student should always work AS A UNITED GROUP. 

Image result for Question markThe hidden Question: 
This activity should be prepared before students come to class, in which the teacher should prepare some question, print them out or write them on strips of papers and then paste them under each student's desk or chair. Once students com to class, the teacher may ask them to briefly introduce themselves and then take the hidden question and read it aloud. Some of these questions might include: When might you slap the door? Tell us a secret only you and your best friend know. Who is the closest family member to you heart? why? 
Image result for BingoBingo: Bingo is the game we played on the very first day of   this course.  It requires students to move around and find people with some interest. The winner is the one who finishes first. This way students get to move around a bit and at the same time know a bit about each other.

Ice breaking activities are real fun activities that help teachers a lot in knowing their students since day one.                              


  1. I like bingo because it is a funny game, it requires students to move around and find people with some interest. A game of chance n which each player has one or more cards printed with differently numbered squares on which to place markers ae drawn and announced by a caller.

  2. Ice breakers are the most effective activities that influence the first impression about a certain course, instructor and the classroom climate. Teachers who neglect the importance of such activities won't gain their learners' interest and enthusiasm about their course. I like to be familiar to a variety of ice break activities.
