Reflection on Educational Technology

Image result for webinar

Webinars are important because they help in getting some information, and it saves time. You can watch them while sitting in you comfy coach. 

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪google drive icon‬‏
Google drive is useful because it helps me synchronize my files. I can get access to all of my files that I am using anywhere I want. if I don't have my personal computer at hand, I can check my files using my phone or another computer by logging in into my account. It gives me the option to share things privately or publicly with people.
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪google forms icon‬‏

Google forms is a really nice application that I never knew it existed. It helped me learn about the different ways in which I can prepare, share and collect the data of my exams and their results. 
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪blog icon‬‏
A Blog is surprisingly something similar to Facebook, you can publish documents, pictures and thoughts on your blog. What is special about it (unlike Facebook)  is that you can manage lots of things like publishing your comments or not, and even receiving them before a person can comment on your post.

Image result for padlet icon
Padlet: we can use it to know about our students opinions about a certain topic. And we can ask them to communicate by reading and reacting to their friend's posts. Plus it can work as a warm up activity where students can brain storm ideas about a certain topic.

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