Today we lead the classrooms, tomorrow our students will lead the world! to my students I might be regular teacher , but to me they are the knights that will bring the world out of darkness. That is what I truly believe in. All people around the world have the right to learn, and it is the
teachers responsibility to pave the road for them and direct them to achieve their goals and become the leaders of the world. I believe that each and every person can do a change in this world, but it takes a teacher to help students discover who they really are, and what they want to do in this life. Teachers should work on making their students the best "QUALITY" of people, those who know the meaning (NOT THE DEFINITION) of respect, love and passion.
Students may forget what you teach them, but they will never forget how you made them feel. That I am teaching now, I believe in this more than any time in the past. Our classes should be cozy and lovely atmospheres where each student can blossom and grow, a place where their hard work and inner beauty are highly appreciated. If you want your students to be polite, respectful and honest be a model, ask them to do things in a polite way, respect them and show them that being honest people is the best thing they can come to in their lives.
If you can't do it, it is because you didn't give the effort needed not because you can't do it. I believe that we should implant this sentence is our students minds, it'll lead them to try over and over knowing that they can do it. We should expect good things from them and show them that we believe in their abilities, so they feel appreciated and gain a high self-esteem.
Motivate them! it is the key for success, it is the way to your students heart and minds. It's the only way to make your students confident to tell and participate, they will always remember that you once motivated them and brought out the best in them.
To be a teacher is an honor. we should work really hard to deserve being teachers who shape the future and draw an everlasting impact in this world. You may be the only one standing there and trying but for students you are "the one" needed for them.
Each teacher must read this article because not everyone who taught was a teacher.The teacher must have the qualities mentioned in the article to deserve appellation"teacher" . Actually,it is more than wonderful and useful information.