Sunday, March 11, 2018

Equipping Educators with Effective Violence Prevention and Crisis Response Strategies

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪shooter in school‬‏

The webinar I attended was titled "Equipping Educators With Effective Violence Prevention and Crisis Response Strategies" by  Dr. Amy Klinger who thinks that we need to empower, not intimidate, educators to prevent violence and appropriately respond to crisis events.

The Idea of this webinar emerged after many students shot, and killed many of their friends and instructors in the United states in the school year 2016-2017. Studies done by The Educator’s School Safety Network (ESSN), a national non-profit school safety organization, showed that violent actions happened in high rates in each of the following states; California, Texas, Ohio, New York and New Jersey. For that Dr. Klinger decided that educators should undergo training sessions not only to know how to act in the case of a violent action but also to diagnose the person who is trying to do a violent action before he or she harms others. 

In addition to that she said that it is important that Those educatosr attend sessions of preventing crisis not dealing with them, for the safety of the students. She insisted that we need to avoid the problem  not to find solutions for it .

This webinar wasn't really important because such things rarely happen in our society but it would be beneficial to know that there are training centers for dealing crisis and violent in cases in case we'll have to deal with them in the future. This can be applicable in our schools mainly on preventing bullying and gross misbehaving that sometimes lead to threaten the safety of others.

 People were chatting about different topics that seemed more interesting than the main topic itself, someone mentioned a story of a seven year old girl who was asked by the teacher to change her LED shoes because it wouldn't help her hide in case of a shooting, instead the shooter would spot her easily. I had to attend it because the first webinar I registered in didn't work.  The person who was giving this webinar was very monotonic that for a period of time I felt like listening to a prerecorded audio!


  1. First of all I like the idea which is about safety and our role as educators to prevent these accidents before it happens. But I think it is security's job not our job. however in many cases the killer comes from the class, so we should pay if we have drastic or turbulent students. Let them talk to the counselor is the best solution

  2. It's really a nice topic, nowadays we are facing such as these situations in the schools where Syrian refugees are founded. They feel that they can harm others in the same way that they are being harmed from their society and by their parents. In my experience at school there is a boy who is at grade one keeps on hitting his classroom mates and keeps on saying that he would kill them by a gun, after talking to him, he said that I'm treating them the same way as my parents and neighbors are treating others. He is influenced wrong by others!

  3. It's really one of the most interesting topics. But I totally disgree with you when saying that such webinar isn't important. Although violent actions occur in our society and classrooms, but we rather choose to solve this aspect with wisdom. Teachers who face violent actions in their classrooms must understand the source of the problem and listen to different perspective before even taking an action. This topic is really important to spread awareness on how much training sessions for teachers can be helpful.

  4. You're right, we rarely hear about killing or crimes existence in our schools. However, we must be aware of such cases in order to anticipate them before they even happen because no one knows what might happen suddenly. Also, as Ebtesam mentioned, with the spread of Syrian refugees who have a lot of emotional problems, we might encounter such situations, so it's great to know how to deal them.

  5. What the Doctor said about the need to prevent such problems from happening is totally true. Because, it is really a must in our days where the children can learn many ways of violence through the movies and other sources from internet. In addition to that there is no more connection between the school mates as it was before which may lead them to harm each other without any mercy. We have to pay attention for this aspect.

  6. Violent actions and aggressive situations may encounter any teacher at any time.Last year, I had to stop an outrageous conflict between two students at our school.In no time ,the conflict heightens to blows and kicks.I had to jump in the middle,capturing each students on one hand ,twisting it to the back till one of them was under control.Then some students helped to seize the other.To tell you the truth,I have never imagined to face such a situation.Therefor,I tell you we can encounter such terrible conflicts anywhere.
