Teaching Is a Work of Heart

I've always wanted to make a difference in this world, no matter how small it is. That was right after I graduated from high school, I wasn't able to decide what is the right profession that might help me achieve my goal.  I wanted to be a  journalist, it was the right job for all what I wanted to do. I've always seen myself very close to people feeling their pain, happiness, excitement and joy. BUT because my father was very strict about choosing my profession and because he believed journalism was a very dangerous job, I was convinced to be a teacher! well, an English one.

After two years of real hard work I came to my senior year when I had to attend some classes for the practicum course. Only then I stopped regretting being a teacher. I attended Grades two and three, It was AMAZING how the teacher was able to change students' minds. I could sense sadness and see happiness in their innocent eyes. I started changing my mind about being a teacher.

Now that I teach Grade eight, I truly believe that no one in this world is able to change the life of someone the way a teacher does. At first students were making fun of the way I always ask them to do things. for example I say "Please and Thank you open the window", now they use please and thank you whenever they're asking their friends for something. 

It happened that I had a student called Ahmad. Everyone was making fun of him because of his missing teeth. All I told them that I see him very handsome because beauty is in the heart and it reflects on our faces and behavior. I totally forgot about the Story and then came a day when Ahmad himself asked me if I see a certain teacher beautiful. I told him sure she is and then he said she's not! I was surprised because she is MORE than beautiful, and then he said Beauty is in the heart and she doesn't have a beautiful heart!! 

Inside your classroom you have to be more than a teacher, sometimes you need to be a mother, a sister and even a psychiatrist. Only devoted teachers can do such miraculous jobs while teaching. 

"To teach is to change is to change a life forever"  


  1. I really want to thank you for your understanding the meaning of a teacher! Rare teachers know what they are supposed to do in a class and this a disaster! When a doctor made a wrong he may kill one's life and when an engineer made a wrong he may destroy a building, but when a teacher made a wrong he will destroy many student's personalities,dreams, emotions, life... and that's worse.

  2. Teachers and for sure who make changes. This is an advantage for them to be in this position and point of effect but, it means there is a great responsibility that lies over their shoulders. That is why they should be trained enough to start and always ready to improve in order to build better generations.

  3. I am absolutely sure you are in the right place. Teaching is only for those who tend to give from the heart. Someone like you will be very successful in the career.
    Good luck my friend :)
