Friday, March 30, 2018

My Greatest Achievement

My greatest achievement is not getting high marks, not graduating, not being a teacher, not even getting a job. All of these achievements are really minor, my greatest achievement is way bigger than this. It's keeping Shady in his place happy and SILENT :)  

You are probably wondering who shady is right?

well, Shady is the struggle all the teachers lived since kindergarten. Shady can never sit down, copy something from the board or even raise his hand to talk. At the beginning of the school year he drove me crazy, he used to stand up in the class, scream out loud for no reason, push his friends, scratch on others notebooks and say bad words.

For the first week I came home every day much more desperate than the day before, I had to do something about Shady. I ignored him for a session but he kept on screaming and saying bad words, I asked him to stay for the reassess and I talked to him. I asked him if he finds my sessions boring he told me not, then I asked him about the reason that makes him scream and yell he told me he gets bored. I came up with a list of things that Shady and I had to agree on. Whenever Shady is bored I allowed him out for a walk. Shady became my helper, he would put things up on the board, he would bring the tape recorder and distribute anything I need to give to his classmates.

 I started telling shady about the part he would be reading so he can prepare it and about the question he would answer she he can check the answer with me before answering, this way Shady gained more self confidence and he trusted me.  Sometimes Shady would raise his hand to ask a very silly question and all I get to do is to stop whatever I am explaining and answer Shady's question. 

Once he stopped me to ask about my age I told him 23 and then he said how many years do you need to teach before you retire? I stopped and made a calculation on the board and then he was fine and quite for the rest f the period. I really love Shady, and I show him that I do. Now Shady writes, reads and participates in my class but sure without raising his finger ! I'll have to work harder on this. 

Shady is my greatest achievement


  1. Really you are a great teacher who looks for causes before judging Shady and works to find a solution. Keep going!

  2. Good job Manar!! Your way in dealing with this boy was very professional and positive. I'm sure you changed his experience at school in a good way. I hope you'll change more lives in your journey because that's what a great teacher does.
