Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars is one book i never feel bored reading it over and over again. The reason I'm writing about this book is that I usually recommend it to anyone who asks me about a book. 

In this story a teenage girl named Hazel who has cancer hated to go to a certain support group, and there she met a very handsome boy Augustus who is a survivor of cancer as well. With time they started to like each other's company and then they fall in love with each other.

 Hazel was in love with a certain book that had no ending, Augustus arranged a meeting with the one who wrote this book so he and Hazel can go and figure out what would happen next in this story. The man who wrote the book disappointed Hazel and they came back to their home town. With time, Augustus health started deteriorating so he wanted Hazel to write him an eulogy and say it for him before his death. Hazel did but the day he died she said totally different words. At the funeral, Hazel saw the writer and she talked to him, she then knew that Augustus had written her something before his death, so she went crazy searching for this thing thinking it was the ending of the book. 

At the end of the story it's shown that the writer of that book was broken and disappointed because his daughter died with cancer. The book ends with an eulogy that Augustus had written for Hazel before his death and that was given to that writer so he ends his books with. 

This book is a well written one. while reading you can sense the love between Hazel and Augusts and you can't but tear down when Hazel says her eulogy for Augustus. The settings in this book are very well described  that in some parts I could smell and see some places.

This book is one of my favorites that I have read three times by now. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh My God Manar, tears came to my eyes the moment i read the title "The Fault in our Stars". I am in love with this novel. I can't get enough from reading it or even watching the movie! It reflects the real meaning of love, but most important the real meaning of life and pain, which is part of it.
    "Pain demands to be felt." ;)
